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Great White Shark by Karim Benbouzyane BlueOceanTrust Foundation

by BlueOceanTrust Foundation

" Get involved today, do not wait  for tomorrow... "

Become an ambassador to raise awareness . 

Put your notoriety and contacts to work for the service of the Foundation.

Engage in another way in the work of the Foundation though this participatory program.

Report, raise awareness  of unacceptable scene or the horrible effects of pollution you have witnessed. Or just share our work with your network. Doing so will change minds and help direct our scientists' research.

Are you a corporate entity wondering how you can help or join forces with us?  You’ve come to the right place!  Our corporate supporters improve environmental consciousness exponentially and promote a Blue Economy.

We are developing a Convention and multiple petitions that will, amongst other things, strengthen commitment and provide accountability for existing international laws on environmental protection.

Get involved by simply changing some of your daily habits. Follow when you can any or all of the recommendations in our Eco-Charter.

Participate as an individual to a global action.

We are always looking for volunteers to work on projects with us.  We have a great challenge ahead of us to protect our seas.  And your help and expertise is certain to go a long way in meeting this challenge.


Help BlueOceanTrust Foundation with your spontaneous  or recurring donation  

Check the options fitting with your generosity.

Contact us:

    Voice mail:

 +1 202 436 9973


Find us: 


51 Louisiana Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001 - United States of America

© by BlueOceanTrust Foundation™®
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